Where are you located?

My office is located at the following address:

3 Eunice CourtTarrytown, NY 10591

What’s the easiest way to set up a consultation or session?

You can call, text, or email me to let me know a good time to connect, so we can chat by phone or set up a meeting in person.

What days or evenings do you typically have sessions available?

I am typically available during the days and evenings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I also do morning times on Saturday and Sunday.

Do I have to lie on a couch?

Nah, you can sit on the couch. It’s a pretty comfy one. 🙂

How soon will I see improvements?

You’ll be able to see improvements even in the first session. I’ll help you see and feel new things about your situation that will get the process going immediately. That’s the benefit of working creatively – we get to the heart of the matter quickly but in such an enjoyable way, the time will feel like it’s flying

Do I have to be an artist to work with you?

Not at all! Although I’ve worked with singers, instrumentalists, writers, and actors, I believe we are all creative psychologically.

In fact, I love working with ‘non-artists’ as well, helping them see how much artistry there is in our everyday lives when we are feeling fulfilled and connected in our relationships, work, and family.

Why do you like working with people in their 20’s and 30’s?

I think this is one of the most important and difficult times of our lives—one where we all could use support in learning how to find our own unique voice.

Unfortunately, many in their 20’s and 30’s feel anxious or guilty because they’ve heard that it should be the best time of their life… and should be a whole lot easier than it really is.

I love helping to take that pressure off and getting you comfortable both with what you already know and also what you don’t yet know about yourself.

What If I can’t meet you in person? Can we still work together?

Yes. I’ve done therapy with clients who have worked or studied all across the country and the world.

These clients have been amazed at how connected they feel working with me online and how much we can accomplish across many miles. In short, we can set up a regular time through Skype and do great work together!