Couples Counseling

The movies make it look so easy…

But in real life, being in a relationship is so much more challenging.

Even when our partners complement us, they also complicate us.

Even when we’re happy together, our partners really push our buttons.

We expect them to be the best at knowing and loving us, which is why it hurts so deeply when they miss the mark.

Those little explosive moments…

You know the ones… when you’re trying to get your point across, and it just makes things worse. You both start arguing more and more, standing your ground while the bitterness spreads.

You grow further and further apart… to the point that you stop seeing each other as partners. You give up on asking for what you really need… maybe even on the dreams you once had.

It feels so familiar and so unfair. Everything you do to make it better seems to just confirm your worst predictions.

Is the well poisoned?

Sometimes it can feel so bad that you wonder what happened to that goodness and potential you once had. Should you even still be together?

These times can feel really hopeless, which makes you wonder…

What can I do?

Could we do something differently that would make us feel connected again?

Are these feelings even normal?

Get back on track with couples counseling.

The answer to these questions? YES!

But it means going more deeply into the heart of the creative work you need to do… both as a couple and by yourselves.

Our work together will help you understand the deeper patterns that are getting you stuck, open up new ways of becoming each other’s creative ally again, and rekindle a healthy fire that will keep your relationship going strong.

I’ll help each of you understand what these patterns mean in your deeper story… and how you can each find ways of translating it to that of your partner so that you can repair and create new creative possibilities.

You can become creative partners again!

Get back to thriving together…

If you and your partner have lost touch with the love and mission that brought you together…

Don’t give up! You can get back to a joyous place in your relationship, and I can help.

Email me at or give me a call: (914) 589-3209