Every artist must develop their voice.
So should you!
Wish you could figure out how to make sense of all the noise??
All of the endless life changes?
Especially in transition, life feels confusing and frustrating.
Expand Your Range
There are warring sides in all of us that make it difficult to figure out…
… what we really want.
… who we truly are.
… where we’re going in our relationships, career, and family life.

Answer Your Big Questions
As poet Tony Hoagland says, “That’s how it goes when your head and heart are in different time zones – you often don’t find out till tomorrow what you felt today.”
Therapy can help you learn how to expand your range and get these sides to work together again.
I’ll teach you how to ‘read the chord changes’ of the psyche, so you can create more interesting music and develop your own distinctive voice.
Live Life Creatively
I love helping people get to know and befriend the various sides of themselves, so they can live more creatively, clarify their purpose and direction, and feel more energized and connected.
I specialize in working with artists looking to deepen their creative experience to expand their craft; young adults in transition; and those who feel overwhelmed, confused, or lost. People who are looking for help to make sense of the noise of life.
The best compliment I’ve received from clients goes something like this:
“If I knew therapy was going to be this enjoyable and creative, I would have done it so much sooner!”

Hi, I’m Michael.
When I was a boy, my mother and I had our weekly ‘fireside chats.’ A social worker and student of literature, she’d ask about the latest books I was reading – To Kill A Mockingbird, The Glass Menagerie, Othello, and the Bible itself. Together, we’d connect them to the trials and tribulations of becoming more fully human. These books became my good friends, guides, and companions; and I learned from them to love, as Rilke said, the questions themselves.
I was taught to always be curious about what new idea, feeling, or form I could find in what I already thought I knew. Those conversations were the magic that allowed a hidden art to emerge. Unexpectedly, that cultivated enthusiasm and poetic sensibility brought me to the door of psychology.
If you couldn’t already tell, I’m also a pianist who loves the way classical and jazz help us contain and express all those interesting questions inside of us.
I love working with those who know there’s something more in what they’re feeling, that they’re just one step away from making a real breakthrough. I especially like working with those who are highly sensitive and have felt misunderstood by their parents, teachers, or even prior therapists.

Clients tell me I have an uncanny ability…
… to make them feel comfortable
… to find words to express feelings and thoughts that they only partially understood, and
… to help them see and hold the many dimensions of their experience – contradictions included!
They are pleasantly surprised at how quick I am to help them read the ‘chord changes’ of their stories, and how we come to improvise on them more joyfully in our work together.
Curious to learn more about the music you’ve got inside you and how we can reharmonize it together? Call or email me today, and we’ll get you playing again.